Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches

"They Die with their Rights On” - Our Broken System of Emergency Psychiatry

February 21, 2021 Randye Kaye Season 1 Episode 7
"They Die with their Rights On” - Our Broken System of Emergency Psychiatry
Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches
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Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches
"They Die with their Rights On” - Our Broken System of Emergency Psychiatry
Feb 21, 2021 Season 1 Episode 7
Randye Kaye

Send a Text to the Moms - please include your contact info if you want a response. thanks!

Interview with Lynn Nanos, L.I.C.S.W. 

If you’ve ever wondered why our loved ones aren’t getting the help they need, Lynn writes about her side of the process in the book Breakdown: A Clinician's Experience in a Broken System of Emergency Psychiatry

Stories about her patients open our hearts, and she shares clear and valuable solutions to  help fix the problems. 

"They died with their rights on” - what’s wrong with that?

How do inpatient units discriminate against those who are most sick?

How can discrimination be curtailed or eliminated?

How common is it for you to evaluate people who are clearly sick enough to be in the hospital, but there aren’t enough markers to warrant hospitalization?

The law only cares about what is “imminent.” Why? 

Psychiatric involuntary transfer and hold laws

The revolving door of cycling in and out of hospitals and jails.

AOT - Assisted Outpatient Treatment

Peer specialists - do they go too far?

The antipsychiatry movement - harmful or helpful?

IMD exclusion


Want to know more?
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Our websites:
Randye Kaye
Mindy Greiling
Miriam (Mimi) Feldman

Show Notes Chapter Markers

Send a Text to the Moms - please include your contact info if you want a response. thanks!

Interview with Lynn Nanos, L.I.C.S.W. 

If you’ve ever wondered why our loved ones aren’t getting the help they need, Lynn writes about her side of the process in the book Breakdown: A Clinician's Experience in a Broken System of Emergency Psychiatry

Stories about her patients open our hearts, and she shares clear and valuable solutions to  help fix the problems. 

"They died with their rights on” - what’s wrong with that?

How do inpatient units discriminate against those who are most sick?

How can discrimination be curtailed or eliminated?

How common is it for you to evaluate people who are clearly sick enough to be in the hospital, but there aren’t enough markers to warrant hospitalization?

The law only cares about what is “imminent.” Why? 

Psychiatric involuntary transfer and hold laws

The revolving door of cycling in and out of hospitals and jails.

AOT - Assisted Outpatient Treatment

Peer specialists - do they go too far?

The antipsychiatry movement - harmful or helpful?

IMD exclusion


Want to know more?
Join our facebook page
Our websites:
Randye Kaye
Mindy Greiling
Miriam (Mimi) Feldman

3 Moms and sons in Brief
They died with their rights on
Lynn's Work as LICSW
How do inpatient units discriminate against those who are most sick
there aren’t enough markers to warrant hospitalization
The law only cares about what is imminent
Civil Commitment - varies by state
The revolving Door of Psych Hospitals and Jails
Peer Specialists and Anti-Psychiatry
Mental Illness or Hidden Trauma?
IMD Exclusion
HIPAA solution
Final Messages