Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches

Beyond our Borders: Mental Illness in Romania

Randye Kaye Season 1 Episode 8

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Personal story updates include: case management team change; possible medication change; need for employment, and support to get there. (first 5 minutes of podcast)

Then, a  conversation with Amedeea Enache, Exec. Director of Estuar Foundation in Romania, Board Member of Mental Health Europe

We talk about:

  1. Deinstitutionalization, esp. After break from communism in 1989, then joining European Union in 2007 - where do patients go once discharged?
  2. Disparities between the urban and rural area in terms of services provided
  3. Stigma/secrecy - people diagnosed, and their families
  4. Employment for those with SMI -importance, availability
  5. Awareness in the field, who are the main actors, and what is the families and members involvement
  6. What our countries can learn from each other

Links: (it’s in Romanian, though) - facewbook page:

Estuar Foundation was established in 1993 by Penumbra Association from Scotland and Romanian League of Mental Health and it is the first Romanian organization created for adults with mental health challenges. It's a network of day community care centers and accommodation services that were certified and recognized at local and national level.

They work with:

  • Families and friends of people with mental
  • health problems
  • Community membres
  • Adults with mental health problems
  • Representatives of local and central authorities
  • Adults with temporary problems of adjustment
  • and communication
  • Mental health specialists

About our guest:

A passionate professional, focused on achieving results, with eighteen years activity in serving communities and vulnerable groups. Ten years as director of social services provider NGO. Experience in organizational and project management, mental health services development, national and international partnerships development, human rights, and advocacy in mental health field.

EDUCATION in US (current) 2020-21

Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota

Humphrey International Fellow, Affiliated with Fulbright Program

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Randye Kaye
Mindy Greiling
Miriam (Mimi) Feldman

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