Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches
Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches
Not-So-Happy Holidays? How to Manage with SMI in the Family
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What if, for families coping with SMI (serious mental illness) in a loved one, the holiday season is "the most difficult time of the year"?
The 3 Moms Discuss - Holidays past, in joy, crisis or grief - and how we currently celebrate what is...the best we can.
Some tips we share:
- Lower Holiday expectations and Marketing Myths (e.g., perfect holidays)
- Plan Ahead - even for possible disaster
- Have a Plan B - and maybe C, D...
- Include Your Loved One as Much as Possible, Especially if They Can Help
- Don't Let the "Unsqueaky Wheels" feel ignored
- Cherish the Good Moments - Find the Positives
- Be Willing to Change Traditions as Needed
- Set and Enforce Limits - Know Your Boundaries
- Imagine How it Is for Your Loved One
- Family Love Matters - You Do Make a Difference
Happy (and Realistic) Holidays to You All!
Want to Share Your Story in a Voice message?
Look Again Podcast: https://www.bcss.org/lookagain/
Tips from NAMI: https://www.nami.org/Blogs/From-the-CEO/December-2021/The-Most-Difficult-Time-of-The-Year-Mental-Health-During-the-Holidays
Mindy and her book: https://mindygreiling.com/
Randye and her book: https://benbehindhisvoices.com/
Miriam and her book: https://www.miriam-feldman.com/
Eye-Opening Moments are stories of adversity, encounters, and perspectives. They are...
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Randye Kaye
Mindy Greiling
Miriam (Mimi) Feldman