Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches
Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches
Awakenings: Stories of Recovery and Emergence from Schizophrenia (Ep. 89)
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A new book, Awakenings, has just been released. It describes the journeys of 28 remarkable people who are now thriving despite being diagnosed with SZ. The authors and contributors hope to show that with newer treatments, and also social support and therapy, recovery is possible.
Bethany Yeiser, President of CURESZ Foundation (https://curesz.org/) and co-author of the book. The CURESZ Foundation offers advocacy, information, advice, as well as educational and supportive resources to enhance the understanding of schizophrenia as a treatable neuropsychiatric illness
Leif Gregersen, from patient to hospital faculty
Lesley McCuaig, athlete and mental health counselor
J Peters, author and social worker
Each guest will share their stories, and the moms will ask questions.
Awakenings Book:
Bethany TEDx Talk:
CURESZ YouTube channel:
Here is Lesley's website:
Leif's blog:
J Peters' blog
Mindy and her book: https://mindygreiling.com/
Randye and her book: https://www.randyekaye.com/
Miriam and her book: https://www.miriam-feldman.com/
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Our websites:
Randye Kaye
Mindy Greiling
Miriam (Mimi) Feldman