Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches
Schizophrenia: Three Moms in the Trenches
Caregivers, You Are Not Alone - But Are You Liable? - with Ken Duckworth, MD (Ep.101)
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Guest: Ken Duckworth, NAMI Chief Medical Officer
Ken Duckworth’s journey into psychiatry started when he was a boy growing up with a dad who experienced severe bipolar disorder. His father was loving, kind and periodically quite ill, hospitalized for months at a time. Ken became a psychiatrist in part to help his father. He is very fortunate to serve as the Chief Medical Officer for NAMI and to be part of this remarkable community.
Ken recently authored NAMI’s first book, “You Are Not Alone: The NAMI Guide to Navigating Mental Health―With Advice from Experts and Wisdom from Real People and Families.” Written with authority and compassion, this is the essential resource for individuals and families seeking expert guidance on diagnosis, treatment and recovery, featuring inspiring, true stories from real people in their own words.
We Ask about:
- your journey,
- your book -
- Thoughts on parental responsibility and liability, and
- any promising new research in schizophrenia.
You Are Not Alone Book:
Ask the Expert:
Mindy and her book: https://mindygreiling.com/
Randye and her book: https://www.randyekaye.com/
Miriam and her book: https://www.miriam-feldman.com/
Randye Kaye - was a morning Radio Personality bringing humor to CT families when her own son was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Now she is still a Broadcaster, Actress, Voice Talent, Speaker, and Author (Ben Behind his Voices, Happier Made Simple)
Miriam Feldman - is an artist, writer, and the mother of an adult son with schizophrenia. Her book, He Came in With It chronicles her family's story and was released to rave reviews on July 21st, 2020.
Mindy Greiling - Mindy Greiling was a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives for twenty years. She helped found the nation's first state mental health caucus, which successfully lobbied for a significant increase in Minnesota's mental health funding Her acclaimed memoir is Fix What You Can.
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Randye Kaye
Mindy Greiling
Miriam (Mimi) Feldman